Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science is a science of abstraction – creating the right model for a problem and devising the appropriate mechanizable techniques to solve it.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is established in the year 1999.In these two decades, the department offers B.Tech Program in Computer Science & Engineering and its specializations and M.Tech program in Computer Science & Engineering.
The Department of CSE aims to expertise in computation through strong knowledge of algorithms, data structures, and coding skills in programming languages like Python, C, Java and open source technologies, Data centric and secure application development, Artificial Intelligence, cloud and big data technologies.
The main objectives of department are to provide:
- Proficiency in problem-solving techniques through programming
- Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems and applications
- Experiential Education through problem and research based learning
- Employment
The department has academic laboratories like Python programming, programming for problem solving using C, data structures, programming with objects, Design and analysis of Algorithms, database management systems, Web Application Development, Linux Programming, Data Mining and Analytics, Software Design and testing, Cloud Application Development etc. the infrastructure and lab facilities are upgraded from time to time and provide good practical learning and innovative environment for the students and researchers.
- Artificial Intelligence Experience Center (AIEC)
- Center of Excellence in Big Data & Data Science (B2DS)
The students are nurtured with a variety of active learning activities including and not restricted to class room teaching, presentations, video lectures, experiential learning and online courses by faculty in the institute and across the globe.
Computer Engineers Technical Association (CETA) is a students’ body for conducting activities on career development, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of students. It organizes Seminars, Quizs, Industrial Visits, Paper / Poster Presentations, Group Discussions, Guest Lectures, Career Guidance, Coding Games etc. under its auspices.