Diploma in Electronics And Communication Engineering
Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering is a Diploma level Electronics and Communication Engineering course. The focus in this discipline is on understanding electronic networks and devices, electric magnetic fields, computer fundamentals, communication and control systems. Electronics and Communication Engineering uses the scientific knowledge of the behaviour and effects of electronics to develop components, devices, systems and equipment.

To be a world class Engineering Institution in leading technological and socio-economic development of the country by enhancing the global competitiveness of technical manpower and by ensuring high quality technical education through dissemination of knowledge, insights and intellectual contributions.To become a center of excellence in teaching for creating technical manpower to meet the technological, societal and environmental needs of the country in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. To Provide value based technical education and training in Electronics & Communication Engineering and mould the character of younger generation to build our nation.
To offer state of the art education of global standards through innovative methods of teaching and learning with practical orientation aiming to prepare the students for successful career and to provide required technological services.
To prepare the students to think independently, take initiative, lead a team in an organization, take responsibility and solve the problems related to industry, society, environmental, health, safety and cultural issues maintaining the professional ethics.
To pursue high quality contemporary research through continued interaction with research organizations and industries. Diploma holders can be absorbed into various Government organizations like BSNL,BEL,GENCO, TRANSCO, DRDO, SAIL etc and Private organizations or can go for self-employment. They can appear for ECET to seek admission into II Year B.E / B.Tech in Engineering Colleges.