Humanities & Sciences
The budding freshmen step into the professional course with mixed emotions in the hope of getting acquainted with the new environment and to find out how to wing their dreams? It’s here that ‘H and S’ department gives them the feel of Second Home, with a warm welcome assuring them of solace and support by equipping them with skills, knowledge and values that will help them turn into successful and candid personalities.

It inculcates the basic knowledge of English, Engineering Physics/Applied Physics, Engineering Chemistry, and Mathematics, these subjects considered as the foundation of engineering education. It has very experience and qualified faculty members, among them few are holding Doctorate Degree in their respective subjects. Our department of Science and Humanities College provides strong foundation and offer interdisciplinary approach in the first year, which allows students to shape their course of study to their needs and interests while assuring breadth in their learning.
English is global language and a key for success and a basic requirement along with academics, to face this challenge we have well equipped language laboratory and well-trained faculty members who guide the students to learn and use English language as their medium of communication.
Mathematics is the king of sciences and technology and it is a base for all branches, Mathematics itself is a language to solve the problems by using formulas and equations, department provides guidance and explains the logical idea with the help of excellent faculty members. Department has Mat-Lab to make it more interesting and easier to learn. To solve the mystery of nature Physics plays a prominent role, department well equipped.
Laboratory and expert faculty to make the subject easy and enjoyable for learning. The study of Chemistry is a crucial in all manufacturing process where the transformation of one form of material into another, equally important. Study of Environmental Chemistry gives knowledge about saving the globe from pollution. Departments has well organized laboratory. Where students will learn and do experiments under the supervision of excellent faculty members.